The inspiration for this web site came from a story I read that left an indelible impression upon my mind.  Over a decade or so ago, I was attending a Pastoral Anniversary Service at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Temple, Texas, for my pastor and father in the ministry, Rev. Charles E. Maze.  I had been asked to present the Guest Speaker who was Rev. George V. Clark, pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Austin, Texas.  Following my preliminary remarks, I shared for the first time the story that is reproduced below.  I have shared it when appropriate on several occasions across the years.  This story continues, as it did then, to elicit from myself and its hearers the kind of positive responses intended by the writer who included it in his chapter.


Excerpt from Chapter 6, p. 98

"Enlarging the Mind to Expand the Ministry"


During the French Revolution, political prisoners were incarcerated in dingy dungeons.  There is a story about a state's prisoner who possessed a Bible.  His cell mates were eager to hear him read, but the darkness prohibited him from seeing the words.  The only shaft of light fell through a tiny window near the ceiling, and this for only a few minutes each day.  The prisoners then, would lift the owner of the Bible onto their shoulders and into the sunlight.  There, in that position, he would study.  Then, they would bring him down and say, "Tell us now, what did you read while you were in the light?"




Mastering Personal Growth

(Mastering Ministry Series)

© 1992

by Christianity Today, Inc.

Maxie Dunnam

Gordon MacDonald

Donald W. McCullough







Donald W. McCullough Ph.D.

Senior Pastor of

Solana Beach

Presbyterian Church

Solana Beach, California